Tunku Abdul Rahman Park
Kota Kinabalu (Capital City)
The marine park is a cluster of islands comprising Pulau Gaya, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Manukan, Pulau Mamutik and Pulau Sulug, all only 10 - 20 minute speedboat ride from the city of Kota Kinabalu. The five islands of the Marine Park are characterized by shallow waters, sumptuous coral gardens and all boast splendid white sandy beaches.
The reefs lie in shallow waters with little current making it an ideal location for novice divers, however, the diverse and sometimes rare marine creatures also make it an interesting dive location for experienced divers and underwater photographers.
To dive in the marine park you must contact one of the local dive centers based in Kota Kinabalu who also offer a full variety of PADI courses ranging from Discover Scuba to Instructor.
Among the sandy seabed a good variety of marine life can be found such as Scorpion fish, Blue-spotted rays, cuttlefish, mantis shrimps and the occasional green or hawksbill turtle. At some locations, rare creatures such as the harlequin ghost pipefish and mandarin fish can be found especially with the help from local dive guides.
During the cooler months from November to February, plankton blooms attract krill which in turn attract whale sharks, the world's largest fish. At times, the density of the krill can be so thick in these murky conditions underwater encounters with these colossal animals can be exciting as they suddenly appear out of the gloom.
Non-diving visitors can still have as much fun in the islands with other optional activities such as snorkeling in Pulau Sapi and Manukan and seawalking in Pulau Sapi. If water sport is your cup of tea, you may contact any local tour companies for more information regarding the water sport activities that are available.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman Park is open daily from 8.30am to 5pm.
Getting there
The Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is accessible via 15 – 20 minutes speedboat ride from Kota Kinabalu. The departure and arrival point for the boat transfers is at the Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal, situated next to the Malaysia Royal Custom Department. Boat transfers to the islands are available daily from 7.30am to 5pm.
Boat transfer fares to the Islands are listed as follows:
* A levy of RM50 per boat will be charged for special pick up times or overnight stays
The following rates are not inclusive of charged terminal fee (RM7.20 for adults, and RM3.60 for children under 12); each entrance fee is valid for 5 islands per day.
Other fees and additional charges are listed as follows:
For Info
Sabah Parks
Lot 45 & 46, 1st - 5th Floor,
Block H, Signature Office
KK Times Square
Coastal Highway
88100 Kota Kinabalu
Telephone: 088-486 432/486 430/486 420 (General Line)Fax: 088-486 435 (General)
Kota Kinabalu (Capital City)
The reefs lie in shallow waters with little current making it an ideal location for novice divers, however, the diverse and sometimes rare marine creatures also make it an interesting dive location for experienced divers and underwater photographers.
To dive in the marine park you must contact one of the local dive centers based in Kota Kinabalu who also offer a full variety of PADI courses ranging from Discover Scuba to Instructor.
Among the sandy seabed a good variety of marine life can be found such as Scorpion fish, Blue-spotted rays, cuttlefish, mantis shrimps and the occasional green or hawksbill turtle. At some locations, rare creatures such as the harlequin ghost pipefish and mandarin fish can be found especially with the help from local dive guides.
During the cooler months from November to February, plankton blooms attract krill which in turn attract whale sharks, the world's largest fish. At times, the density of the krill can be so thick in these murky conditions underwater encounters with these colossal animals can be exciting as they suddenly appear out of the gloom.
Non-diving visitors can still have as much fun in the islands with other optional activities such as snorkeling in Pulau Sapi and Manukan and seawalking in Pulau Sapi. If water sport is your cup of tea, you may contact any local tour companies for more information regarding the water sport activities that are available.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman Park is open daily from 8.30am to 5pm.
Getting there
The Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is accessible via 15 – 20 minutes speedboat ride from Kota Kinabalu. The departure and arrival point for the boat transfers is at the Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal, situated next to the Malaysia Royal Custom Department. Boat transfers to the islands are available daily from 7.30am to 5pm.
Boat transfer fares to the Islands are listed as follows:
Island | *Fare per pax/boat | |
Adult (return) | Children (return) | |
Manukan Island | RM23 | RM18 |
Mamutik Island | RM23 | RM18 |
Sapi Island | RM23 | RM18 |
Sulug Island | RM25 | RM18 |
Two island hops | RM33 | RM28 |
Three island hops | RM43 | RM38 |
Four island hops | RM53 | RM48 |
Boat charter for one island | RM204 | |
Boat charter for Malahom Bay | RM204 | |
Boat charter for Police beach | RM204 |
The following rates are not inclusive of charged terminal fee (RM7.20 for adults, and RM3.60 for children under 12); each entrance fee is valid for 5 islands per day.
Other fees and additional charges are listed as follows:
Particulars | Malaysian | Non-Malaysian |
Entrance fee · Adults · Children below 18 years of age | RM3 per pax RM1 per pax | RM10 per pax RM6 per pax |
Sabah Parks
Lot 45 & 46, 1st - 5th Floor,
Block H, Signature Office
KK Times Square
Coastal Highway
88100 Kota Kinabalu
Telephone: 088-486 432/486 430/486 420 (General Line)Fax: 088-486 435 (General)
Okay.. sebelum ada yang ternganga mulot tu nak info dulu siang-siang ni ekk.. album ni album lama.. so masa dahulu kala tak ler menutup kepala tu lagi.. zaman hevox! ler kengkononnya.. walaupun sekarang bertambah-tambah havox lagi oke hehe.. okay Trip ke Sabah ni dah lama dah.. baru sekarang nak share sebab baru 2 bulan buka blogs TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE FUN VACATIONS AND BEST MAKAN SAKAN! SO sekarang ni sakan ler nak masukkan album lelama masa bercuti tu ekkk... info i dah copy and paste kat atas tu oke.. so i just tunjukkan gambar dan serba-sedikit semasa percutian i ke Pulau yang cukup indah di Bumi Sabah Bagusss!!! I love Sabah!!! nanti nak pergi lagilah.. tetiba cek dompet hehee..:):)
Hah! apa-apa hal sebelum nak naik bot menuju ke Pulau-pulau yang indah tu, kita akan jumpa dulu Jesselton Point atau Jesselton Port.. apa yang ada di sini??
okay! jom redah! bedah! (bedah my jiran oke)
I like.....
i like..
macam-macam ada you.. pstt.. topi ala-ala mexican tu i beli di salah sebuah kedai yang ada di situ ekk.. murah ko! memacam ada.. biskut kilang Pak Habibi pun ada laa... cayalah Sabah!!!
Sebelum tu nak share sikit info ni ekk.. beg galas memang sesuai ko gunakan ke tempat-tempat berpulau cenggitu... jangan ko bawak hand bag udah ler.. dah tu.. nak warning sikit ni ekk.. kasut tumit tu tak payah ler pakai.. pakai ler kasut sport atau selipar jepun udah! tak nyeksa kaki kita tu nanti.. hah! satu lagi camera!! jangan lupa! kalau tak de beli! esok berbuih ko bercerita orang tanya mana gambor? ko jawab tak de camera! aje memang orang kata ko bedaah! tak mo cenggitu ekk.. pastukan..
Hah! tu satu lagi perabah makanan ekk.. kang dah di lambung-lambung ombak tu.. lapo lah pulak yer tak? so bekallah bebanyak junk food! di galakkan hehee.. pastu ko perokkan makanan sebanyak idak tu dalam beg galas ko yang keler merah macam i punya tu.. oke.. pastukan..
Hah! lepas dah bayar duit tiket bot ke 3 buah pulau tu.. baru ler kami semua di benarkan naik bot oke.. kalau tak bayar sila berdiri pegang camera dan snap aje dari atas dek heehe... pastu bai-bai orang yang naik bot ekk..
aduh... i ni memang pencinta apa jua pemandangan yang semulajadi ataupun yang tak berapa jadi.. sepanjang ada atas bot tu.. dia lalu kat bandar Sabah ko.. wah! i suke sangat tau... leka aje ekk... perghh dah ler bot tu selaku idak! mujur topi i yang baru di beli tu tak melayang ekk.. driver slow sikit boleh tak!!! driver tu buat bodo aje tau.. tak kedengor ler tu.. kalau dah terjongkit-jongket atas bot tu adehhaii..
wah! ni kes Pak Habibi ler ni dengan adik dia Razo.. sibuk nak bersnokel-snokel.. sorry i bukan tak berminat nak snorkel ekk.. setakat day trip sorry... nanti make-up i down oke hehe.. life jacket, snorkling set semua ada kat dalam bot tu ekk.. CETT!!! ingat free ke?? sewa oke!!!!
Pstt.. nak habaq kat you all ni ekk.. yang bestnya ko sewa segala perabah untuk snorkling tu.. hah! ko dapat budak tembam lelaki kat atas tu ekk... punyalah bagus!!! i suka tau!!! baik dan comel budak tembam tu.. dia ler yang jadi tourist guide kami sepanjang berada di Pulau-pulau tu ekk.. boleh gituh?????? i yer tak yer je tau.. ada insurans ke idak budak ni.. usia 12 tahun oke! teringat anak kat umah... mesti tengah main kereta control.. budak tembam tu sedang berkerja jadi tourist guide! cayalah!
Wah! berbaloi lah.. dah ler naik bot yang speednya over!!! sampai tak sampai 10 minit.. PULAU MANUKAN... WAH!!! I LIKE... PEMANDANGANNYA CUKUP INDAH.. MATA I TAK BERKELIP YOU!!! mat salleh dan minah salleh pun ramai.. wink.. wink.. mana pak habibi??? camera bak sini! kang entah gambor hape yang di snapnya tau! cett!
wahhh.. dah nak sampai tu ekk. air pulak jernih dan biru.. suka betullah! cantik.. ciptaan yang MAHA ESA....
dah sampaiii!!!! yeahh.. yeahh... macam nak terjun jam tu gak!
clear water.. blueeeee........ niceEEEEEE...
tu dia.. jejak aje atas dek.. SUBHANNALLAH!!!!!!!
campak ler roti ke.. keropok ke.. eskrem ke... stokin gerenti anak-anak ikan tu sapu oke!
URgHHhhhh... pat ni i tak gemor ekk.. ingat lagi masa tu bercuti dengan pak habibi kat Pulai Tioman... orang lain bercuti... cett! kaki dia terpijak duri rambutan tu ekk.. penghabisannya kami bercuti dalam bilik aje oke!!! grrr... wink.. wink..
dengan sahnya... bahawanya shasha telah sampai ke Pulau Manukan Sabah!
cewah siap dengan gayakan selendang tu ekk.. cuba sekarang.. aje memang!
tu kisah dulu oke!
yer laa.. yer laa.. pak habibi i pun nak pose jugak...
smile..... ewah! tu bukan smile muka berkerut sebab kepanasan oke!
WAHHH.. sampai jer kat Pulau manukan tu ekk.. ekk.. i terus jakun you! tak duduk diam.. dok ler snap.. i berjalan sesorang keliling pulau tu oke! (tipu separuh jerk! hehe..)
Terdapat berbagai jenis chalet.... nak yang atas pokok?? tengah hutan?? atas jambatan?? atas pokok?? pilih ler yang mana suke.. i tumpang posing aje oke...
tu dia.. salah satu chalet yang terletak tengah hutan tetapi berdepan dengan pantai memang best!
tu dia.. bertangga oke.. kalau nak terkucil??? jenuh gak nak manjat berlari ke bilik tu ekk.. kang ada eeeiii.. malas nak taip! hehee..
i panjat oke!
and.. i felt something laa.. eeeeEEE.. atut!
yang ni pesen lain plak... ala-ala tersorok gitu...
i suke hehe... wink.. wink...
i suke hehe... wink.. wink...
i ronda sesorang ekk... snap gambar sana-snap sini!
sesorang aje ekk.. pak habibi tu bukan kesah bini dia selamat ke tak! dia entah ke mana... ni mesti skodeng mat salleh terlentang ala-ala gitukan! nanti dia! tungguu...
wah! terasa pulak macam berada di miami beach laaa....
tenang aje ko.. nyaman gituh.. nak kehujung tu ekk.. apa yang ada????
wahhh!! pat ni memang i suke! ada shopping mall laaaa.....
terus ler masuk cek sana cek sini.. pastu suruh budak kat situ snap gambar i kat spa oke! got spa meh?? got laa....
Mak Aiiihhhhhhhhhhhhh.... dari atas ke bawah bulat! hahaa.. apa kembor jenis apa ni ekk??? sama aje ko seluar dia orang.. masa nak snap ni.. jangan tak tahu ekk... i dok gelak macam nak rak! mujur tak di libas dek abang2 montel tu.. suka betul tau!!!! suka dengan keler seluar memamat montel tu ler... kaler merah.. my fav kaler apa!
DARI jauh dah nampak Pak Habibi...
ada dia kisah mana bini dia??
idak ekk.. tak per.. tak per...
tengah ler dok leka melihat keindahan pantai Pulau Manukan tu kan kan.. tetiba.. Pak Habibi menjerit dari dalam air laut tu ekk.. ish! ingat kan apa ke??? sengat ikan keli ke.. wei! ikan keli kat sungai ler.. oh! duri rambutan yang tajam tu keee... Eeesss.... tak suka laa.. kang kena terperap dalam bilik je tak boleh berjalan ehhee.. wink.. wink..
FOR YOU MY DEAR..............
GAMAT DIA BAGI I! ini bukan Pulau Langkawi oke!
ini Pulau Manukan.. Sabah.. terkenal dengan mutiara...
pastukan... habis jerk berkubang dan santai kat Pulau Manukan tu.. kami pun beredarlah ke sebuah lagi Pulau..... tunggu ekk nanti i share kat you all... mana you all nak jumpa blogs panjang cenggini yer tak???
hah kalau lapo! singgah blogs resipe i ekk..
Cenderahati yang i beli dari Pulau Manukan...
sampai laa i masih simpan dan T-shirt tu sampai laa i tak pakai lagi tauu... rerantai tu i pakai laa..sayang punya pasall heee... tak muat pun satu hal! pertukaran fizikal yang begitu mendadak! ahakz!
bercutilah ke PUlau Manukan.. memang best giler... bersih, nyaman, selamat, dan penduduk sabah juga peramah dan baik hati... markah yang i berikan untuk PULAU MANUKAN 9/10!
i ni jenis susah nak beri markah tau... kalau dah markan 9/10 tu bermakna memang i suke bebanu le tu...
shahriah abdullah mencoretkan sesuatu.................
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Terima Kasih Sudi Meninggalkan Jejak Anda semua.. Walaupun komen anda akan lewat sedikit berbalas.. Terima Kasih teman..:)